International Workshop was held

International Workshop
for Geophysical observation in Thailand
–Present and Future– Meeting
Date |
Aug. 1-3, 2019 |
Venue |
Phayathai Campus, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University
Contact |
A03-1 Dr. Satoru Tanaka |
Timetable |
【Aug. 1】
8:30 – 9:00
9:00-9:15 Opening session P401
Taku Tsuchiya (Ehime University) & Dean of Faculty ( or Weerachai Siripunvaraporn)
Group Photo
9:15 – 10:15
PSURE Joint session Public lecture
“Deep Earth Science from Quantum Physics” Taku Tsuchiya
10:15 -10.40
Coffee break
Session 1: TSAR and Seismological studies in Thailand: an application from crust to core (20 mins each)
•Tanaka S.: Thai Seismic Array (TSAR) Project
•Crust: Noisagool S.: Crustal thickness underneath Thailand using TSAR data: a geophysical distinction of Thailand tectonic terranes
•Mantle: Suzuki Y.: High-resolution 3-D S-velocity structure in the D” region at the western margin of the Pacific LLSVP: evidence for small-scale plumes and paleoslab
•Core: Ohtaki T. : Seismic structure near the inner core boundary determined by using TSAR network
Lunch, (Buffet)
Session 2: “Deep earth study” (20 mins each)
•Suzuki K. : 182W isotope of ocean island and flood basalts: implication for deep mantle chemical processes
•Kaneshima S.: Heterogeneity of the Earth’s mid-lower mantle inferred from seismological studies
•Kawai K.: Imaging subducted slabs in the mantle from inversion of seismic waves
•Ishihara Y.: Long term collaboration between Mahidol University and JAMSTEC for geo-electromagnetic observation in Kanchanaburi, western Thailand, and the future prospect
•Sebastian Ritterbex: First-principle investigation of self-diffusion in Iron: constraint on the rheology of the inner core
Coffee Break
Session 3: Earthquake and seismic hazard studies in Thailand (20 mins each)
•Boonchaisuk S.: Imaging Thailand crustal structure using magnetotellurics method
•Nualkeaw P.: Geochemical study of Phetchabun volcanic belt
•Sunti Pailoplee, Chulalongkorn University
•Patinya Pornsopin, TMD
•Representative from DMR
17:20 -18:00
Discussion: On the future geophysical investigation in Thailand
Meeting dinner
【Aug. 2】
Student Session:
Sakura science presentation by students (20 mins)
•Keichi Ichizu, Kyoto University (10 mins)
•Wisart Thongyoy (10 mins)
•Sarun Trinakoon (10 mins)
•Nadpapra Nornin (10 mins)
•Kittipong Puakim (10 mins)
Coffee break
Discussion: Role of Geoscientist for the development of country and future collaboration (Or other topics)
9:00- 16:00
Optional Trip