International Seminar
Title | Lecturer | Date/Venue |
On the role of dislocation climb for the convection of planetary interiors | Prof. Patrick Cordier (Universite Lille 1) | 2018/11/5 Ehime Univ. |
Silicon abundance in the Earth’s core constrained by a multi-technique approach | Dr. Daniele Antonangeli (Sorbonne Université) | 2018/5/28 Ehime Univ. |
Experimental Discovery of Superionic Water with dynamic compression | Dr. Marius Millot (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) | 2018/5/25 Ehime Univ. |
Magma genesis in Hawaii plume: melting experiments on basalt/peridotite layered sample up to 8 GPa | Prof. Eichi Takahashi (Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,CAS) | 2018/5/16 Ehime Univ. |
Optimal control in MHD: towards kinematic and dynamic dynamos | Prof. Andrew Jackson (ETH) | 2018/4/10 Univ. Tokyo |
Binary phase relations between ringwoodite and bridgmanite + ferropericlase: implication for sharpness of the 660-km discontinuity | Prof. Tomo Katsura (BGI, University of Bayreuth) | 2018/2/23 Ehime Univ. |
Geodynamic mechanisms for the preservation of large-scale primordial heterogeneity in the Earth’s mantle | Dr. Maxim D. Ballmer (ETH Zürich) | 2018/1/29 Ehime Univ. |
Stably stratified layer formed by superionic NH3 in Uranus and Neptune | Dr. Tomoaki Kimura (Tohoku University) | 2017/6/21 Ehime Univ. |
Structural controls on fluid escape from the subduction interface | Dr. Bruno Reynard (ENS Lyon) | 2017/6/21 Ehime Univ. |
Optical measurements of the electronic and transport properties of molecular and metallic systems at deep planetary interior conditions | Dr. Stewart McWilliams (The University of Edinburgh) | 2017/6/21 Ehime Univ. |
A laboratory-based framework for the interpretation of seismological models | Dr. Ian Jackson (Australian National University) | 2017/5/29 Ehime Univ. |
Reactions between metal and silicate in the early differentiating Earth | Dr.Andrew J. Campbell (University of Chicago) | 2017/5/15 Ehime Univ. |
Lateral temperature variation through ICB to CMB in geodynamo simulations | Dr. Hiroaki Matsui (University of California) | 2017/5/15 Ehime Univ. |
Experimental reproduction of mantle earthquakes analogues by antigorite dehydration & comparison with natural pseudotachylytes | Dr. Thomas Ferrand (ENS Paris) | 2017/5/9 Ehime Univ. |
Dynamics of the fault motion and the origin of contrasting tectonic style between Earth and Venus | Prof. Shun-ichiro Karato (Yale University) | 2017/3/21 Ehime Univ. |
Thermo-chemical-tectonic evolution of terrestrial planets: the key influence of magmatism | Prof. Paul J. Tackley (ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland) | 2017/1/16 Ehime Univ. |
Experimental investigation into the fate of subducted carbonates and origin of super-deep diamonds | Prof. Jie Li (University of Michigan) | 2017/1/13 Ehime Univ. |
Carbon-bearing magmas and material transport in the deep Earth’s mantle | Prof. Konstantin Litasov (V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy) | 2016/11/17 Ehime Univ. |
Material transport in the deep Earth’s mantle | Prof. Konstantin Litasov (Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy) | 2016/7/8 Ehime Univ. |
Earthquakes Great and Small: how they become large and how they evade detection | Prof. Miaki Ishii (Harvard University) | 2016/6/17 Ehime Univ. |
Atmosphere-mantle Interactions Using Noble Gases | Dr. Colin Jackson (Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institute for Science) | 2016/6/3 Ehime Univ. |
Composition and origin of the Moon | Prof. Shun-ichiro Karato (Yale University) | 2016/3/25 Ehime Univ. |